Friday, December 4, 2015

House Of Uriel

Chasing My Dreams

My story started off like any other little girl with certain ambitions and dreams; to reach the stars that is. I’ve always loved the mixture of colors that the dynamic everyday sky has to offer. When I was four years old, my mother noticed that I would always stare at any colorful scene, object, or painting, and that it used to draw a joyous expression on my tiny face. She decided to support my young interest by buying me drawing books where they had certain characters drawn and I had to fill in the colors. I turned out to be pretty decent as I would produce a drawing that is balanced in colors, easy for the eyes to view, without drawing outside the preset characters’ lines. By the age of six, I had actually developed the eye for details that enabled me to draw my favorite characters from scratch, and color them myself. I was also able to draw real life scenery and objects. A little artist? Perhaps. 

Dreaming is Believing  

one of my favorite painting, drew it when I was 10 years old 
My mother decided to push it one step further and I joined an institute that helps nurture young artists when I was seven years old. It was a great place for me to further develop my drawing skills and my eye for details. It was a great environment, however, it didn’t last long. A year later I was starting to realize that it wasn’t what I’m truly passionate about and I gradually strayed away from drawing. I didn’t entirely quit, as I was contributing to galleries at my school and would draw from time to time, I just stopped going to the institute. During that shift of interest (or passion), I was moving towards handicrafts in art. I would draw a certain scenery for example, and rather than fill it with colors, I would add colored papers or certain colored materials like artificial gemstones to fill in those gaps in my paintings. That flame of passion was growing inside me as I would explore around more materials and try different things with handicrafts until I finally decided that this is what I was made to do. I stopped drawing, I grabbed a twine and tiny little gemstones and created my first bracelet. It was handmade accessories that let my imagination run wild and free. It was then, the start of “House of Uriel”.

   Dream It, Be It! 

 Designed this business card by myself to make things easier for my costumers to contact me and follow my Instagram account  

            It was a beautiful hobby that I enjoyed. I would spend countless hours creating new bracelets and necklaces with multiple ideas and themes. I then started working around different accessories that I’ve never done before such as earrings and crowns. I even made a key chain for my brother once, which was the start of a new type of accessories for me. So as my experience increased and I started wearing my own accessories, my friends began to notice and started inquiring on specific pieces with set colors and artificial gemstone types. At first, I didn’t really consider making money out of it, I would just do it to see my friends happy. I loved what I was doing anyway, so why not? Later on at school, girls I didn’t know would talk to me and ask how much would it cost them if I were to make certain accessories for them. At first it shocked me, I really didn’t expect selling my own handcrafted accessories and making money out of this talent. Turns out half the school wanted to buy my accessories and it felt great! Making girls happy and gaining experience was fruitful. I was raising my own pocket money at such a young age and it taught me how to be responsible and reasonable when spending.


Creating my Opportunities

From there I took it to the next level and decided to give myself a brand name to be differentiated from all the other accessories specialists. At such a young age though, the name was simple. It was my name; Abeer’s Accessories. My little talent evolved into being a home business where customers would visit my Instagram account to view my collections. Once they decided on a certain style or piece, they would then contact me through WhatsApp to make an inquiry. I even participated in several expos and showrooms where I would set up a booth and present my accessories to the public. This taught me a lot about communication and improved my selling skills. When I graduated from school and entered college, the name felt too obvious and simple, especially that my home business was growing larger and larger. I did my homework and thought of the things that interest me and what best describes my talent. What I do is very dynamic and it requires a lot of imagination and creativity. That is how the name: “House of Uriel” came to life. I’m hoping that I can establish it as an official business as soon as I graduate. I’m very thankful for all those who supported me, especially my family, and it makes me really excited when I think about what is ahead of me.

Buy Handmade Accessories - 10 Reasons to Buy Handmade!

1. Handmade accessories are often better quality and more durable. Each handmade product is meticulously handcrafted and personally inspected. Machine production is driven by quantity, and quality is often compromised as a result.
2. Time, care and creative energy is put into the making of handmade items, and each item is alive with the spirit of the individual who makes them.
3. Buying handmade accessories made by actual human beings supports and strengthens local communities, keeping corporate giants from putting small, local shops out of business.
4. Handmade accessories are often one-of-kind, unique designs inspired by the artists and craftsmen who make them, making each individual product a work of art.
5. Handmade items are more sustainable, making them better for the environment. They are often made using local materials rather than those imported from across the world; handmade products consume less energy to produce than machine-made products; and handmade products are often more durable so they hold up longer, resulting in less waste.
6. Handmade accessories preserve local arts and handicrafts, many of which have been passed down from generations to generations. Women in Thailand and Laos have been weaving silk scarves and shawls for thousands of years, passing down their skills from mother to daughter for centuries. Each handmade product tells a story of the land, people and cultural traditions.
7. Buying handmade connects us to a simpler time when life was a bit slower-paced. People took pride in their creations because each product was a reflection of their time, energy and workmanship.
8. When something is handmade, no two items are exactly the same. Even two silk scarves or shawls, woven with the same silk thread by the same weaver, will vary somewhat. This grants the wearer with a unique sense of style and individuality, which is difficult to find in a typical department store.
9. Handmade products are reminiscent of that warm, familiar feeling when someone prepares something especially for you with love and caring; like grandmother making her famous homemade gingerbread cookies or knitting you a handmade silk scarf, silk shawl or wool sweater.
10. Like radiant silk scarves, reflecting magnificent shades of color in the light, handmade accessories honor peoples' individual differences, unique cultures and local traditions; they keep our planet alive with contrast and diversity, reminding us that we all have beautiful talents and gifts to share.

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